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Types of mechanical forces

A force exerted on a body can cause a change in either the shape or the motion of the body.The unit of force in SI system is the Newton(N) and CGS system is dyne.No solid body is perfectly rigid and when force are applied to it,changes in dimension occur.such changes are not always perceptible to the human eye since they are negligible. For the example,The span of a bridge will sag under the weight of a vehicle and a spanner will bend slightly when tightening a nut. It is also important for civil engineers and designers to appreciate the effects of forces on materials.Together with their mechanical properties of the materials. There three main types of mechanical forces that can act on a body.They are 1)Tensile force 2) compressive force and 3) shear force


The tailstock is located on right side of the bed i.e.right hand side of the operator. The main purpose of a tailstock on an engine lathe is to support free end of a work during operation.it is also used to hold tools for making holes (twist drills,reamers) adjusted along the bed of the lathe accommodate different lengths of stock.it is provided with set over screw at its base for taper turning alignment.it has cast iron body with bore to accommodate tailstock spindle,and the top portion contains the spindle,tailstock hand wheel, and a spindle clamp for locking the spindle in position. The end of the spindle has a taper bore for holding dead centre,taper shank drills and other tools.the spindle can centre,taper shank drills and other tools.The spindle can be moved in and out of the tailstock by the rotation of hand wheel in anticlockwise and clock wise direction respectively.A tailstock is shown in fig.


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